Microsoft office powerpoint 2010 parts and functions free.Use keyboard shortcuts to create PowerPoint presentations

Microsoft office powerpoint 2010 parts and functions free.Use keyboard shortcuts to create PowerPoint presentations

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Microsoft office powerpoint 2010 parts and functions free -


MS PowerPoint is a program that is covered in the Microsoft Office suite and is bundled unitedly with WordExcel, and other office productivity tools. Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful slide show presentation program. MS PowerPoint applies slides to communicate information rich in multimedia. Microsoft PowerPoint or MS PowerPoint is useful in; Creating Presentation, where one can add animation, photos, videos, and sound effects making it more readable.

Under this article, we will study in detail Microsoft PowerPoint, the features and functions of Fuhctions presentation, followed by a layout on how to work with MS PowerPoint, with the advantages and more. Know more about Computer Networks here.

PowerPoint is well utilized to create a slideshow of valuable information through charts, and images for a presentation. It is commonly practiced in business and school presentations. A blank presentation will be displayed on the screen. According to the requirement, one can modify the template for a presentation and begin working on the program. Read more about MS Excelhere. Firstly, in PowerPoint, there are slides. Users need to add content to them to make a presentation. PowerPoint layout is used to change the layout of the current slide.

Learn more about Generations of Computerhere. From the Insert menu, the user can add media like pictures, symbols, audio, video, header, footer, shapes, etc. Finally, from the Slideshow menu, читать полностью user can view the final form of the slideshow.

Users can start the slideshow from the first slide or the slide that users are editing. Check out Types of Computer Network Topology here. During the slide show, the slides emerge on the screen one after the other. With the Animation effect option, the animation microsoft office powerpoint 2010 parts and functions free is applied to the chosen content. Next with Custom Animation, different options will be provided for the animation effects like Entrance, Emphasis, Exit, and Motion path.

Mixrosoft various tools that one can use under this tab are; Spelling, Research, Thesaurus, Translate, Language. The Research button aids in online research in books and Internet resources about a subject or topic you are working on.

Thesaurus tool lists words arranged together according читать статью the similarity of microsofy. By using Thesaurus in PowerPoint from the Review tab one can ссылка на продолжение find synonyms for relative words in the content. Translate Language is employed to change the English language words to another language. Next, is the New Comment option which is used to write a comment text correlated to a word or sentence on a slide.

This comment can be further edited by edit comment and can be deleted also. Next is the Protect Presentation option by which the data of the presentation is protected with the application of a password, after which it cannot be changed. Know /65521.txt about Computer Virus here. In the View tab, a user can have a Normal View of a presentation. This is also called the default view.

It consists of slides where one can add content for the presentation. Next inline is the. Slide Sorter View where all the slides of the presentation are displayed in small form on the screen. With the Notes Page tool, the slide is presented with its notes.

The slide master is practiced in the presentation to attach content such as a picture at one go on all sides with the same slide layout. Similar to the slide master with the handout master, a user can add content such as text to all handouts on the handout page applied to microsoft office powerpoint 2010 parts and functions free the slide. Next is the Notes Нажмите для деталей tool, using which one microsoft office powerpoint 2010 parts and functions free write any common text on all the notes pages at once.

A message Bar is powerpoibt to show or hide messages. With the zoom option, the slide can be zoomed more or less. Next is the Macro tool with which any action can be recorded in the presentation. Also, check out the notes on Microsoft Accesshere. Read more about Microsoft Outlookhere. We hope the above article on Microsoft PowerPoint is useful for candidates looking for such insights. For more, download and install the Testbook App or visit the testbook website for more updates on such similar topics from Computer Awareness, and numerous such microsoft office powerpoint 2010 parts and functions free can even check the test series available to examine your knowledge regarding various exams.

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Microsoft office powerpoint 2010 parts and functions free Post as PDF. Table of Contents. PowerPoint is generally used by business people and students to design slide show presentations. Poaerpoint can also be used to conduct learning assessments. Professionals practice Microsoft PowerPoint at all levels of business. These presentations can incorporate animation, videos, images, and functiond more.

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Even though more recent versions of PowerPoint look quite different than earlier versions, the commands and functions that you're used to microsoft office powerpoint 2010 parts and functions free still here.

When you open a PowerPoint document, the ribbon appears as a row of labels, or what we call tabs. When you go to a tab, the ribbon for that funchions opens and you can see the tools and functions that were formerly in menus and toolbars in earlier versions of PowerPoint. When you see a feature with an arrowyou can click it to get more information or options.

Click those to open the anx box related to that function — microsoft office powerpoint 2010 parts and functions free launcher on the Font group, for example, opens the Font box, where you set effects such as strikethrough, superscript, or character spacing. The ribbon tabs group tools and features together based on their purpose. For example, to make your slides look better, look for options on the Design tab.

The tools that you use to animate things on your slide would be on the Animations tab. The Home tab holds the Cut and Paste features, Font and Paragraph options, and what you need to frse and organize slides. Click Insert to add something to a slide. This includes pictures, shapes, charts, links, text boxes, video and more.

On the Design tab, you can add a theme or color scheme, or format the slide background. Set up how your slides change from one to the next on the Transitions tab. Find a gallery of жмите possible transitions in the Transition to This Slide 200 — click Mmicrosoft at the side of the gallery to see all of them. Use the Microsoft office powerpoint 2010 parts and functions free tab to choreograph the movement prats things on your slides.

Note that you can see many possible animations in the gallery in the Animation group, and see more of them by clicking More. On the Slide Show tab, set up the way that you want to show your presentation to others. The Review tab lets you add comments, run spell-check, microsoft office powerpoint 2010 parts and functions free compare one presentation with another such as an earlier version.

Views allow you to look at читать далее presentation in different ways, depending on where you are in the creation or delivery process.

At one end of the ribbon is the File tab, which you use for the behind-the-scenes stuff you do with a file, such as opening, saving, sharing, exporting, printing and managing your presentation. Click the File tab to open a new view called the Backstage.

Click from the list on the side to do what you want to do; for example, click Print to find the options and settings for printing your presentation. Click Back to return to the presentation that you were working on. When you click some parts of your slides, such as pictures, shapes, SmartArt or text boxes, you might see a microsoft office powerpoint 2010 parts and functions free new tab appear. In the example above, the Drawing Tools tab appears when you click a shape or text box.

When you click a picture, the Picture Tools tab appears. These tabs disappear or change when you click something else in your presentation. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help. Can you help us improve? Resolved my issue. Clear instructions.

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